

Posted on Updated on

in the realm of oneness
every thought
dawns like a blessing

stars crumble
into my lap
and dreams takes flight

Processed with VSCO with t1 preset


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every desire
every illusion of self
in the quest
to know You

Processed with VSCO with m3 preset


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we all die
many times, in myriad ways
before the physical death

in the dissolution of a dream
in the passing of a loved one
at the hands of a lover

yet with each spring
life is renewed
in the same place
it collapsed
from the source
that is Eternal

I hear
the leaves dance
in the autumn wind
as if
in a trance
gently reminding me
it is not death
that I should fear
but celebrate spring
that never fails
to keep its promise


luminous dream

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I wish I could write like the poets
who immortalize moments forever
they pick up a pen
and the poem writes for itself

I wish I could dance like the dervishes
who ecstatically lose themselves
in the rhythm that empties them of themselves
whirling, they reach the skies and touch the deepest oceans

I wish I could show you what I see
in the tickling laughter of a little child
in the touch of a delicate spirit
in the wilderness of nature
and the holy flight of a bird

I wish I could fill your space with a sweet lullaby
drawn from the music of angels
blanket you in my arms
that you begin to feel the warmth of my burning heart
I wish I could give you what I need the most .. and more



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my dreams
how peacefully
they rest in your eyes
gazing into the eternal


aurora borealis

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look up
the magical show starts again
this arctic winter, to brighten my nights
a blazing flare somewhere
dazzling, colorful lights here
painting beautifully
a vivid december sky

I run across the snow desert
stand in an open space
surrendered to the alchemy
of beauty and brilliance
seducing the night

from the spectrum of my thoughts
to the lining of feelings
against the backdrop of amorous stars
reflecting off that glowing canvas, I see
every burning desire, dream and longing


inspired from the fascinating show of northern lights I saw with my lil brother this morning =)
