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each experience
that connects me
back to the Source
offers a glimpse
into my true self


One soul poem

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So much truth and wisdom in these words.. couldn’t help but share. If it spoke to you, you can follow more of Zafar’s soulful poetry and journey at

The Midnight Flyer

13435413_1734687063440662_8206605277185842264_n(artist unknown – source: facebook page “Bodaishin”)

How much you are able to give…
This is the measure of the gift within you.

We are all gatekeepers to each others’ soul.

There is only one (sole) soul.
Love is the eye that sees the Soul,
through the light of a shimmering tear.

So thank you for every tear;

they have helped me to open my
torn heart.
Now ink drips from my eyes onto a page meant to heal
these torn hearts of ours.

We are all scarred….

The healers are the ones who let the scars break open.


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aware of each breath
in mindfulness, I step

each moment
a new flowering



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Whisper to me, softly
the secret of cosmos
that I may hear.



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let the mist uplift
so tears can dry
and smiles can bloom

drop your ego

nothing is worth more
than love


Digital Art by one of my most favourite artists – Cyril Rolando :


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your love
my soul
in quiet togetherness

where it all
a p a r t

only to flow together
in oneness


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plough my heart
with your name

for if its you
I forget to remember

then I haven’t really remembered


deeper tranquil

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feel life pulsating
through your veins
feel it from the inside
in your fingertips, in your toes
let your skin breath
let the sun warm your soul

walking the long road
you tumbled over and fell
tired, and weary at times
you sought answers
no one could ever tell

but look where you are
look how far you have come
your eyes, your skin, your face
they all have countless stories to tell
of wars you fought
with people
with your self

faces, forms
they all will fade away
for they were never there to stay
gaze inwards
where the answers lie
live deeper in love
beyond the perception
of your eyes

in your unrestrained soul
are the moments of sheer enormity
of a value beyond words
take a dip in that ocean
there’s nothing, no nothing of the world
that could quench that thirst

even in moments of despair
there is a deeper tranquil
find a way to it
and it will stay
feel your precious life
pulsating through the veins
I’ll say these words
before my speech
in silence
is lost again


resounding particles

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the sun rises
burns brightly
shows its might
then dies a death
in your world every night;
the full moon
in all its beauty
waxes and wanes
how many times
have you looked up at the sky
and noticed all this change?

people walk into your life
play different roles
give you love
nourish your souls,
give you reasons
to shed tears
or to laugh
over the years!

but when their time comes
they go their way
leaving you
by yourself
just like the day you first came

you, mortal being
with immortal soul
few more years
or who knows how many days
or how many breaths
you have at stake

what did you do today
to make a heart smile
soothe someone’s ache?

what did you give away
that made you richer
than yesterday?

how did you please your Beloved
knowing, that in the end
its only between you and Him

did you pause to reflect, to think
or went about unaware, unconscious
like every other day
acting on your whims?
