

Posted on Updated on

hum me, darling
your sweet lullaby
and let me disappear
in your arms

the scent
of your unceasing touch
lingers still,
like a pendulum
the thoughts of you
are flooding
my every vein

feel our whispers
chase each other
when you come close,
let your kisses
dance softly
on my skin

and hush..
don’t question
this or that
who has ever
been able to fathom
the immensity
this heart can contain

be silent and feel
the utter belonging
of our beings
and all that
our love can sustain

hum me, beloved soul
your sweet lullaby
after fading into you
I have found me again


art by Lauri Blank : http://blankstudio.com


enamored sentience

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rooted in my existence
is your heartbeat
in my waking,
your dream
and walking upto you
a pilgrimage
into my own soul

the beauty of heaven
reveals in flashing moments
as I lie
weaving a garland
of your whispers

does it come as a surprise
to you then,
when I hold you in reverence
high above
in my heart?

my beloved,
I see who I am
when I am with you


image courtesy Alex Grey : http://alexgrey.com


subtle stirring

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your whispers
gently explode
beneath my skin

your charm
softly clings
hunting me down

move your lips
flutter in my eyes

between my breath
and your touch


a paradise
being born
